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The Life Force is Hidden in the Sea

Sometimes the most magical things in life are the things that go unseen such as a feeling. For example a walk on the beach or in nature can make us feel calm and relaxed. Hanging out with certain people can make us feel good.

This week in Girl Power, we looked at the whakataukī - ko te mauri, he mea huna ki te moana - which is all about the powerful aspects of life, the magic that is hidden in plain sight. One of our hidden gems that can be activated is our intuition. We talked about what intuition is and what it feels like and how we can identify it. Often our intuition is described as a gut feeling. You can walk into a room and just get a yucky feeling but not know why. It is our intuition that keeps us safe and tells us which people or situations are good or bad for us.

Intuition isn't something that is explicitly taught however if is something that if we teach children about it then it is a magic tool to keep them safe.

How often have we said to a chid - 'you'll be fine', or 'it's not that bad'? When we say this to a child we are diminishing their feelings. For us, the adult, it may not feel that bad but for a child it could be the biggest thing ever. By listening to children share their feelings about events and people, we are encouraging them to share more and learn how to trust themselves. This is especially important when the child becomes a teenager and has to make important choices like which subjects to study at school, who to date, how to spend weekends.

We all have the power to tap into our intuition, but how many people actually trust theirs? Were your gut feelings stifled when you were young? Are you encouraging your children to express their feelings, even if they are different to yours? Sometimes children can be more intuitive that adults because they are still very much tapped into the energy of people and places. We can learn a lot by listening to a child's intuition.

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