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Beware Blindly Following Your Nose; Be Deliberate; Make Good Choices

The longer I have known the girls in my girl group, and the longer the girls have been together in this group, the more powerful the group becomes. It has always been a dream to create a group for pre-teens and teens where they can feel safe to share their secret anxieties. We are now getting to that point, and I am now able to truly deliver empowerment coaching to show them the magic in sharing and being heard.

Today our whakataukī was: He ihu kurī, he tangata haere which means as the dog follows a scent, a traveller relies on hospitality. We are not dogs blindly following our noses but people who should be mindful and make good decisions.

We talked about intuition again and how although using our heart is a great way to make decisions we can't only follow our hearts. We also need to use our brains and listen to our guts. I have spent most of my life solely following my heart without listening to my gut or thinking logically and it hasn't always got me the best results. By only following our hearts, sometimes we can stay friends with people or (as adults) in relationships with people who- if we really think about it- are no longer healthy for us. Maybe they take more than they give, or bring your down to make themselves feel better.

We shared bad habits that we have: things we do without thinking like people pleasing, over giving, biting our nails, talking too much, negative self-talk. I taught the girls that awareness is the key. Once you are aware of the behaviour that is not serving you in a good way you can question why you still do it and you can make a conscious effort to stop this behaviour.

We then use meditation, the following week, to reflect on our discussion from the week before which leads the discussion of the sharing circle. There is no time limit for sharing, nobody is ever cut off and it is one of the reasons I will always keep my groups small.

What are you blindly following or doing in your lives, and how could you consciously change this to a smarter choice? This is a great discussion to have with your families. Awareness truly is the key to great change and growth no matter your age.

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